Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today! 28/4/10

Hmmmm.. Douglas..
We are there not to scold u..
its because we wanna let u know to let urself a change..
if u don't wanna change its okay~
Friends Forever u know?


Then Today~
Pei darling back home.. [I HATE U o????]
=[ kindaa sad lo~
Then at last also... [I L*** You~]
Then.. back home.. saw her facebook post..
GOSH! also got abit sad ba..
Not sad is like.. jealous.. =(

Jealousy Is A Main Item For Love..
Hypothesis: The More You Jealous, The More You Love Her~
: The Less You Jealous, The Less You Love Her~

LOL!! science pulakk~

Darling,ILoveYou! Muaxx! <3

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