Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gal ♥

Dont Worry..
Done your paper le.. Just forget about it.. =(
I know is hard to "fang xia" that moment..
But Gal..
Remember that you still got papers to take..
Dont because of 1 then "fang qi" others..

No one knows..
You might get A and the answer is correct.. right?
No matter what..
Boii Still Here Cheering You..
Everyone Will Also Cheer For You..

3 days to relax abit..
Sleep early abit..
Everyday 1 or 2 sleep..
You no need to sleep.. But body need to rest..
Must listen kayy!
Hmmmm~ Sleep early then wake up early.. around 4 or 5 like that..

Dont trust 100% to the Tips that they or who gave..
Sometimes no one predict is right..
No one is as same as "PAUL the octopus" xD
Trust yourself...
What you have learned for this 2 years..
Bring all out for it.. Boom those papers with the alphabet 'A'!!

Take good care of yourself..
Smile for the paper..
And the paper will smile at you.. xD
我一定会支持你! =D

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