Saturday, November 13, 2010

Genting!! ♥♥

At Genting Really Damn Nice Weather..
13-15 Celsius And The Wind Is.. DAMN STRONG!
Every night went down at the park there and "Chui Fong"
And now.. sick! >.<

Theme Park Time..
Waaa! Seriously.. NOT SUNNY AT ALL!
Played Go Kart.. Haha!!
Damn Cuteee!
Before that we played Roller Coaster..
Waaa! Lucky We Played First.. If Not..
We Will Be Like....

GalGal.. See..
I Told You Adi..
You Dont Believe Me. =(
Bought Her Something.. But Damn Ugly One.. xP
Hoho! xO
My Roommates Very 38 Hor?? xP

Every time.. Room 35,36,37 will most noisy one..
hahaha!! walking up and down up and down..
makes us damn tired.. T_T

I Miss The Weather There! =(
Loves ♥♥

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