Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Working ♥

Hoho! Yesterday While I Going TO Munich..
Gal suddenly called me asked me want to go work anot..
Then... Asked Brandon And Aaron..
Let YongYin Scold Me BenDan~

Then~~ Woke up @ 7.30am
called galgal.. dint pick up..
So i went bath and playing with Joshua[MyDuckling] xP
Then came out..
Galgal called me till BAOGEI.. xP
Sorry Gal~ =(

Then.. 8.45 she reached my house..
around 9.15 reach the Comic Store~
Hoho!! DAMN HOT!!!
So happy working together..

Then Her car din't put the parking ticket..
LOL! she wanna go alone and press the stupid parking ticket..
Waaaa! dangerous lehh.. So i went..
Walk till the next lane only can..
Others all.. "Rosak""Rosak"
Walaoo! Lucky she dint go alone.. xP

Lunch Time!!
Went down for lunch..
Then i put something in her car..
=) "Gal.. I Hope You Like Itt Muchh~ ^^"
Went Bak Kut Teh..
We Laugh More Than Eattt!

Then.. Its 2.30pm! time to go back!
Went tuition after that...
But Before That!!
I Was Damn Worry About Gal..
Was Raining Heavily And She Will Be Driving Alone Back To Comic Store..
She Dint Bring Her Licences And Phone!
Empty handed and drive..
So i smsed YongYing so that she know about it..
Lucky!! GalGal is safe!! =) phewww!

Gal! Next time bring your licence and phone whenever you go ahh!!

I Will End My Words Here~
Loves! ♥♥

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