Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rush For Time!!!

School.. WAAA! All about numbers!!
Add Maths, Maths, Account!
After school tuition BM...
Then Account Tuition!! WALAO!!

After school..
I Ran down to 7-11 there..
Just to see darling at the van..
But.. i cant see her van at all..
so i walk back alone..
walk walk walk..
Then back home..
Bath > Wait Mom Cook > Eat...
BUT!! Eat till half when i enjoying my mushroom soup..
Brandon wanna go meet gf...
Walao! The soup was so hot! and i finish it...
My throat till my stomach was so HOTT!!!
Then ran out.. meet bran..
Then walk so fast.. coz no time adi...

Reach her house.. yeah! can see her..
But she like emo emo gam..
So.. i dont dare disturb her..
She went to tuition at 3..
Then i company brandon to Buiiz house..
then i walk back to tuition centre alone..
then BM tuition starts..

SO boring and tired..
Then.. finish tuition at 5..
Meet darling and gave me back my phone..
Coz she conficicated my phone.. =(
Then i walk to SinYin's house..
Waaa! walk again.. so hot the weather..
Then account tuition finish..
Brandon asked to go volleyball court there..
Then called her..
She say till like dont wanna come meet me gam..
But also got come out..
I Ran to her house.. and she so so so long only come out..
Then came out.. go football field..
play swing.. [IHopeThatYourFeelingThatYouToldMeLastNightComesBack..]
GO back her house time..
keep run run run..
then run lu..
very pain jor my leg..
hmmm.. walk back home also san fu..

From 2.30 Till Now.. My Kidney Is Paining..
I Just Tahan.. I'm Okay Now..
Took Some Rest Infront Of The Comp..

I Love You!!
I Will Makes You Feel Better In This Life N This Relationship!!! =)

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