Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Not Really A Great Day..

Today.. Woke up late again..
Rush till hell gam..
Wanna go out early to see Darling while walking to school..
But no time.. went out from the house also 7.15am adi.. =(

At school today..
Owhhh! Kinda moody because i miss her so much!!
Keep thinking of her wat she doing and all..
Hmmm~ after school.. though that can go her house~ weee!
BUT!! Dark cloud starts to come..
Drops by Drops is falling..
GOSH! went Aaron Ong house to sit for awhile..
After 10 minutes.. She called with PuiMun's Phone..
"Dear.. i dont have key to go in to the house!"
Hmmm~ Monitor is with me.. and its raining outside..
Luckily i had a best friend of mine bring me to PuiMun's house..
Then she says she going out with friends to go makan..
OMG! my heard really very damn pain..
I tot can pak tor with her and become happy family one..
Haixx.. At that time..
I keep think..
She really dont give me time..
She really only want friends..
Actually i cried at PuiMun house when you go..
=( damn sad..
So.. 3o'clock went to tuition centre..
MrTan Asked.. WAh! why so early??
I Said Ya lo.. Fren went out..

Then Darling said sorry to me..
Feel smooth..
Until Now.. Kinda Not Very Like That Feeling..
I Just want to have time with you..
I Really Hope You Will Give Me Some Of Your Time.. =)

I Love You!!
Muaxx!! <3

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