Tuesday, July 6, 2010


After school Darling called..
Then talk..
Then i kinda emoing.. dunno why..
Then play one match of dota to stress out..
Brandon suddenly called..
[Wanna yam cha bo?]
Then okay lu.. ON!

Then... Darling Call me again and say..
[My Monitor spoilt jor ahh]
Then we rush to her house to fix it..
Unfortunately.. Cant fix..
Then nvm lu.. Went out with Brandon..[He Emoing]
Talk sam xi abit..

Then Darling & PuiMun find us..
Slowly.. Brandon Smile back... =)
Darling PINCH ME!!!

Took some Photos at the badminton court there.. =)
If free only post it up~ ^^

I will be a better Boy Friend!
Hope that i will guide you when you are needed..
I Will Try My Best To Do It.. =)
Baby~ I Love You!! Muaxx!! <3

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